Common Himalayan Inula is an attractive Himalayan plant, with
golden-yellow flower-heads at branch-ends and solitary, 4-6 cm across,
borne on erect leafy stems. Ray-florets are narrow, very numerous, up to
2 cm long, 3-lobed at tip; involucral bracts with bristly-haired teeth,
the outer leafy and as long as the florets, the inner shorter linear, all
bristly-haired. Earlier it was believed to be Inula grandiflora,
but now it is assumed to be a species separate from that.
Leaves are oblong-lanceshaped pointed, 5-7.5 cm, lobed at
base and with glandular teeth and bristly hairs on margin. Stem is
unbranched, leafy throughout, 30-45 cm. Common Himalayan Inula is found in the
Himalayas, from Pakistan to C. Nepal and W. Asia, at altitudes of 2000-3300 m.
Flowering: July-September.
A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department to
commemorate this flower.